Friday, February 12, 2016

12 weeks

Today marks 12 weeks since my last day at work before retirement.  I highly recommend it for everyone!  Thought I would provide a brief update on what I've been up to.

Most special to me has been being able to spend virtually ALL my time with my love  <3 -="" .="" a="" afternoon="" and="" day="" entire="" evening="" few="" first="" him="" hours="" i="" in="" just="" morning="" nbsp="" never="" not="" of="" our="" p="" really.="" seeing="" spending="" the="" thing="" tire="" together.="" well="">
It was a strange transition at first - waking in the morning and LINGERING over a cup of coffee instead of rushing to get ready and dash off to work.  It felt weird to think about what I was going to do that day and realize - over and over again - that I could do whatever I wanted.  Some days I would spend reading, which was quite the luxury!  Some days I would just do marathon Netflix sessions in my PJ's.  Glorious!  Most days I would start out doing my devotions, walking the dogs if it wasn't too cold, and doing some yoga.  I spent a lot of days early on cleaning the house and trying to de-clutter a bit.  So, at least the house is in a much better state of order than it was when I was working, which is a real treat.  I also have spent a good deal of time repairing and repainting doors and woodwork.  There is still a lot to be done, but I love doing it, so it's never really a chore.

It's delightful to do laundry on my own schedule instead of spending all weekend doing it.  I find there is substantially less laundry to do, which means I can often go several weeks before even giving it a thought.  Very nice.  I've also gotten a lot of organizing done in the basement.  Well, truthfully, only about 10% of what totally needs to be done, but it's a good start.  Jim has also been starting to work on purging some of the thousand or so boxes in the basement.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

It's nice to, to be able to make calls to Nuan and Frank and just linger on the conversation, instead of trying to multi-task while talking on the phone.  And having lunch with Kendra every few weeks has felt good being able to stay in touch with my good friend.  I still have many people that I want to reconnect with over lunch, but haven't done too much of that yet, but I will.

Jim and I have also enjoyed going to $2 Tuesday movies.  I've done a lot of getting ready to travel in the Plahaus - putting together a "to-go" bag, rereading the operators manuals, pulling lists together for logging where we will go, what we will bring, set-up and take down 'to-do' lists, and the like.  Watching videos on you-tube of others' travels has given me a lot of good tips as well.  Jim and I have spent about 6 hours or so putting together the plans for our first real trip - to Arizona to see Molly, Kelly, Frank and Dawn, then on to California.  It was pretty funny because we clearly didn't know what we were doing, so we spent a lot of time just trying to figure out how to do this.  It will take a bit more work to get ourselves more efficient at this, for sure!

Hmmmmm, I guess that's about it.  I'm really enjoying this so far!  The only thing I really need to turn around is...I'm eating way too much, and very little of it has been good!  Not junk food, but virtually no vegies and very few fruits.  Yea, definitely need to work on that.

Pretty boring post, I'd say.  But I'm thinking as we get going in the Plahaus, I may have more interesting updates.  At least, I sure hope so!