Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Working through it

There are times in my life, I have discovered through experience, when things are unpleasant. Can be due to a miriad of factors, some more serious than others: health, financial, social, emotional, family, spiritual - the list may be endless. I also know from experience that how I deal with or react to these times is part of what not only reflects, but actually makes up the fabric of my character.

And despite the fact that I know all that, there are times when I'm weary and don't want to deal with the unpleasantness. I just simply want it to go away. I want to pull the covers up over my head and ignore what is going on around me. I want the world - my world - to be back in balance. I don't want to have to work through it, figure it out, or whatever.


Then, I realize that there is no easy way through these times. I have to work through it. But when I do, I come out on the other side a little bit smarter and a little bit more experienced. And in all likelihood, the fabric of my character is woven just a bit stronger.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Sweet It Is!

I am so excited! I have TWO wonderful things to blog about this month! And each of them is very important to me, although in very different ways.

First I want to talk about being in love. Later this month, my husband and I are celebrating 18 years of marriage. There is SO much I could say here about this, but I will keep it to the basics...He has taught me SO much about what love and partnership really are, and I cannot express how grateful I am to have him in my life. For anyone reading this, my wish for you is that you too may be blessed to share your life and your love with a soul mate. It feels like it is truly one of God's greatest gifts to us mere mortals. I love you, JR.

The second thing is on renewing old friendships. Thanks to the Internet (thank you Al Gore :-) ), I was strolling around cyberspace and 'bumped into' a very dear friend who I had not had contact with for ... *ahem* ... let's just say many years.
I can't even explain what it was like. Like finding your absolutely lifelong favorite book. I felt instantly warm inside and was overcome with memories that just floated over me. If I were a psychologist, I would have analyzed what brain chemicals were being released at that very moment so I could replicate it and make a fortune. But I'm an Accountant, so I just luxuriated in the moment (Accountants are prone to do this). I am looking forward to reconnecting and catching up, AND building new memories. I love you too, DC.

So, I am very excited in how September is shaping up. EVEN THOUGH WE ARE STILL A LONG WAY FROM BEING ABLE TO MOVE BACK INTO OUR HOME BECAUSE OF THE FIRE DAMAGE! Nope. I am not going to let those feelings interfere with my euphoria. Wish I had been a psychologist.