Thursday, February 18, 2010

ANOTHER big step!

I am now on facebook thanks to my 17 year old. I don't know what that means, but it's pretty exciting.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Ok SORRY I'm having too much fun watching the Olympics to spend time blogging. I'll be back in a few days.

Suggest you tune in as well - It is amazing!

Friday, February 12, 2010

a short one

very busy today only have time to stop here to feed the fish don't even have time to capitalize or use punctuation

have a great weekend

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More WINTER is OK with me!

I admit, I'm one of those really strange individuals who enjoy winter. And as of this very moment we are in the throws of enduring one of winters' best snowstorms. 14 - 16 inches close to the lake. It's the light fluffy kind - not so good for making snowballs or snowmen, but fantastic for cross country skiing and any type of sledding. Schools were closed for the day. Travel was a mess. But you know, there is some sort of connection that everybody seems to feel on a day like today. Like confirmation that indeed 'we are all in this together.' Strangers smile at each other even as the snow flakes sting their cheeks. People get out of their cars to push others who may have gotten stuck. That type of thing. And somehow with that in the air, and a fresh coat of fluffy white covering everything, for just a few hours everything looks a little better.

Have a great day. I'm going to go play in the snow!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

...and that's one good part about Winter.

Winter is the best time to be able to get things done inside without feeling like you are missing out on the activities and nice weather and sunshine going on outside! Then, when Spring finally does present itself, you can freely get outside feeling very good about what you accomplished while everything else was in hibernation! (hey, whatever works to keep my butt off the couch and get some things done around here...and that seems to work for me).

ok, now back to painting.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fan or decide

So, tonight I have tickets with my family to see Jeff Dunham at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee. I don't think I could be more excited, and sometimes it worries me that I get this thrilled about going to see...a ventriliquist.

But for some reason, he absolutely make me laugh so hard I practically - well let's just say I find him extraordinarily funny! Have all his DVD's. I even have a CD (yes, a CD made by a ventriliquist). So, let me know if you think I am just a fan, or truly a fanatic, and I'll let you know tomorrow how the show was tonight!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


WOW. I had forgotten how nice it is to see the sun out! It has been a rathere grey (gray?) year so far. So, this blog will be short because I am going to enjoy some sun by going out for a short walk for lunch!

Hope you enjoy it too!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

When was the last time... went ice skating!??? I went over the weekend and I cannot believe how great it felt! We live on a pond which was well frozen over (!!) and although the ice was somewhat bumpy, my husband, my dog and myself entertained ourselves (and possibly a few neighbors) demonstrating our lack-of-ice-skating-skills for somewhere around 30 minutes. It was much more fun than it sounds here, I swear. When I went back into the house, I was so energized, I washed the entire wood floor in our living room! What an accomplishment I felt.

Now, if I could just figure out a way to get that energized every day...