Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye, 2012!

What an awesome year this has been!  At the start of it, I had two big events to plan and execute: a very special 20th wedding anniversary gift for Jim, and a surprise 60th birthday party for Jim.  Yes, he does sort of monopolize alot of my thoughts, which is fine by me!  I managed to pull off both of these events (thank goodness, I had a lot of help from daughters Kelly, Molly, Jamie and Beth for the party!).  Delivered to Jim a beautiful pen and ink sketching of our Cedarburg home in September.  On December 26th, delivered a surprise birthday party with 30 wonderful relatives.  Hope to post some pictures later when I can figure out how   :)

There were a few other very important things in 2012 - Molly's graduation (HOORAY!!!), a new puppy named Nelson (not quite so hooray), and of course losing Mike Holmblad    :(
But while reflecting on the year, I realized the most memorable part has been that I feel I've been able to get closer to so many of the people I love.  Not sure how much losing Mike impacted that, but I'm glad it did.  My priorities have been refocused, and I no longer spend much time worrying about if everything is 'perfect' or 'done'.  I can let that go and spend the time listening to those I love as they talk about their plans, their struggles, their joys, and their laughter.  Much better!

Thanks also to the slower pace of my job (for which I am very grateful), I can spend more time getting ready for the visits from family, so I am better prepared and relaxed when they DO arrive.  As always, I have list upon list upon list to help me stay organized and remember what needs to be done.

Since Nelson has arrived, I've been walking him almost every day, twice a day.  Lost 10 pounds, which feels great because I now have a whole bunch of clothes to wear that were just too snug before.  So it sort of feels like I have a new wardrobe, too!  And, Jim replaced my wedding ring which I was no longer able to wear with a new one.  Same original diamond (thank goodness), but a sparkling new setting, AND one that I can fit over my expanding knuckles!

So, this is a pretty boring post, I know.  But for me, the year has been full of changes, many of them good ones.  It's a good feeling to look back on the year that is passing, and like the person reflected in the mirror just a little more then you did at the start of that year. 

Many happy reflections to you!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

On Being In Love

What was the most memorable part of my summer? By Mary Rentscher

Well, the truth is that as of this writing, the Summer is not really quite over yet, so I reserve the right to write an addendum if something more memorable occurs!  But frankly, that is unlikely.  My summer has already been quite remarkable.  Life changing, really.

I won't bore you with the details of how this unfolded (come talk with me personally if you want those).  It began very slowly.  Almost imperceptibly.  An empty spot.  A yearning.  Family discussions.  Reviewing household finances.  Dropping subtle hints to close family members.  Should we do it?  IS IT TIME TO EXPAND OUR FAMILY!!??  All the expenses!  The dirt!  The pooping and drooling and teething.  Sitters and schooling and grooming!   "YES", my husband and I shout in unison!  And off we go to move on to the details!

Oh! Wait!  I hope you haven't gotten the wrong idea!  It's adding a PUPPY to our family that we were talking about!  In late May, we added a 10 1/2 pound furball we named "Nelson" to our family.  As of this writing, he is...well, I don't know how much he weighs because I can't pick him up anymore - he's too wriggly.  Somewhere around 35 pounds.  We think he will get to maybe 60 pounds.  His dad is "mostly German Shepherd" and his mom is "mostly black Lab", so yes, he is a mutt, which is fine with us.  He has livened up our summer (that's one way of putting it), and keeps us on our toes (literally, because he is still not fully house-broken).  He doesn't have full run of the house yet (see earlier sentence regarding house-training), and he and our 3 cats have so far only met through the gate at the kitchen door.  Our cats are not happy.  But, really, are cats ever happy? 

After losing our two older dogs within the past year, it is nice to have a dog in the house again.  Don't tell Nelson I said that.  He already has an attitude.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


hurting still sucks.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It didn't turn out that way

Yesterday, we buried my Brother-in-Law, Michael Allen Holmblad.  Mike was 43 years old.  Right up until one week before he passed, I was still confident and praying God would send a miracle.  It didn't turn out that way.

I learned a great deal through traveling this path with Janine, Mike, Luke and Josh.  I developed, for the first time since his birth, a very deep and genuine relationship with my nephew, Lucas.  Not unlike the relationship I had with Josh.  Jim once told me it was always very evident to him how much Josh meant to me and that I would do anything for him.  I didn't realize it was that evident,    :)    but I'm glad it was, and I hope it was that evident to Josh too.  I feel the same way about Luke, and I hope he and I can enjoy a similar type of relationship that Josh and I did, but one that is still unique to the two of us.  He is warm and calm and creative and has opened his heart up to me.  I will make sure I treat it respectfully and lovingly.  Always.

I learned that Josh has grown into a man.  A wonderful man. No longer just internally focused, as a teenager might be, he truly stepped outside of himself in helping his family - especially his mom - through this ordeal.  Unafraid, but not really reckless.  Hard working, but not driven by money. Respectful and sensitive, I think he will make some lucky woman a wonderful partner.  I hope she can return the favor.

I learned that Mike's character went far, far deeper than I imagined.  I wish I had found a way to discover and appreciate that long ago.  I can only imagine the relationship we might have had.  I waited too long to discover his true character.  That's what I learned - don't wait.  Find out about the people who are loved by the people you love.  Find a way in.  Mike was stoic and a very private person, but I think I could have found a way to get to know him.  Instead, I stood by his bedside at the end of his life and promised him that I would help watch after his family when he was gone.  And he told me how much that meant to him.  Pretty late to just be startin' the meaningful discussions.  *sigh*

I learned the most about my sister.  There was not a falter in her step.  Every day, every conversation, every action, was focused on getting her family through this.  She would wriggle through every obstacle relentlessly.  When treatment or service or even options were not the ones that she could accept, she made sure the people that mattered knew it, and she made sure something was done about it.  And for all that strength, she would never for a second hesitate to demonstrate her devotion to Mike from the toughest to the simpliest of ways - from sleepless nights-into-days-into-nights by his bedside, to a gentle kiss on the back of his hand, even though he was unconscious.  From having the impossible discussion about end-of-life decisions, to making sure Mike didn't have to lay on 'girlie' sheets in the end.  Always for him.  Never for her.

I will miss Mike.  What is different, is that I will miss him not as much as because he is gone, as because I didn't take the time to get to know him when he was here.  God Bless You, Mike.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Too long.

Yes, it's been too long since I posted.  I'll post soon.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


2011 has been full! But I'm finally back, having not posted for about a whole year!
Beth is in college at Eau Claire now. Jamie and Molly diligently working their way through Madison. Kelly will be supporting her thesis for her Masters in January. So, they have all come a long way, are doing well, and I love them e-NOR-moose-ly!

Beth had her appendix removed 3 days after her 19th birthday, while up in Eau Claire. She is doing well, and now she and Team Baby are even more like twins then they were before. :) (inside joke)

Janine's husband, Mike, has been diagnosed with cancer. His treatments start in 2 days. It will be a tough year for them. I pray that at the end of this year, we all have even more to be grateful for then we do today, and that Mike is solidly on the road to recovery.

Hope to post again soon! Blessings!