Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye, 2012!

What an awesome year this has been!  At the start of it, I had two big events to plan and execute: a very special 20th wedding anniversary gift for Jim, and a surprise 60th birthday party for Jim.  Yes, he does sort of monopolize alot of my thoughts, which is fine by me!  I managed to pull off both of these events (thank goodness, I had a lot of help from daughters Kelly, Molly, Jamie and Beth for the party!).  Delivered to Jim a beautiful pen and ink sketching of our Cedarburg home in September.  On December 26th, delivered a surprise birthday party with 30 wonderful relatives.  Hope to post some pictures later when I can figure out how   :)

There were a few other very important things in 2012 - Molly's graduation (HOORAY!!!), a new puppy named Nelson (not quite so hooray), and of course losing Mike Holmblad    :(
But while reflecting on the year, I realized the most memorable part has been that I feel I've been able to get closer to so many of the people I love.  Not sure how much losing Mike impacted that, but I'm glad it did.  My priorities have been refocused, and I no longer spend much time worrying about if everything is 'perfect' or 'done'.  I can let that go and spend the time listening to those I love as they talk about their plans, their struggles, their joys, and their laughter.  Much better!

Thanks also to the slower pace of my job (for which I am very grateful), I can spend more time getting ready for the visits from family, so I am better prepared and relaxed when they DO arrive.  As always, I have list upon list upon list to help me stay organized and remember what needs to be done.

Since Nelson has arrived, I've been walking him almost every day, twice a day.  Lost 10 pounds, which feels great because I now have a whole bunch of clothes to wear that were just too snug before.  So it sort of feels like I have a new wardrobe, too!  And, Jim replaced my wedding ring which I was no longer able to wear with a new one.  Same original diamond (thank goodness), but a sparkling new setting, AND one that I can fit over my expanding knuckles!

So, this is a pretty boring post, I know.  But for me, the year has been full of changes, many of them good ones.  It's a good feeling to look back on the year that is passing, and like the person reflected in the mirror just a little more then you did at the start of that year. 

Many happy reflections to you!!