Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have something that is really important to tell someone who is really important.  The problem is, I can't.  Not because I don't want to.  Because I just can't figure out how.  I've never been very good at expressing my feelings anyway (just ask any of my ex-husbands LOL).  (actually, that's not funny).  But when the subject is wrapped up around my emotions, it is tremendously difficult for me to find the meaning.  I can find the words, but I can't present them in a manner that conveys the meaning clearly.  I think that's because I can't even get my own head around the main points.  See?
I'm doing it right now.

Anyway, I am just blogging this to get it off my chest, because I'm really angry and disappointed in myself and the "someone who is really important."  And I'm trying to clear my head so that I can tell this "someone" the "thing" that is really important.  I can't chicken out.  But it's also really important that I get the communication RIGHT.  And face-to-face.  Although I have already written down everything in 'outline' format as well as in 'narrative' format, I know myself well enough to know that if anyone else reads it, they will tilt their heads to the side like a dog does when it hears something weird, and go "Huh?"


I should have entitled this 'Insecurity' instead of 'Uncertainty'.  Is this making any sense to you? 

Hope I can do this!